What do you want from a re-design?
Posted on by Steve Workman About 1 min reading time
I've been asking questions about my blog on Twitter, and a few notable things have come back:
- Text shadow on hover makes you feel seasick
- Text shadow is fine on headers
- Colours on the footer are hard to read
- It all feels a bit busy
So, many of these things can be remedied simply, but I can't get it out of my head that you just skim the content because it's all bunched up. The white space for the text is compressed against two differently coloured, high-contrast sections which mark the edge of the world. Instead of helping you focus, I feel trapped when reading it.
So, I reach out again, what would help alleviate this? What would make you read more on this blog. It's not a for-profit enterprise, it's simply putting my opinion and some of my work onto the Internet.
Please, your thoughts in the comments or contact me steve at steveworkman dot com (or use the contact form on this site).