Over the last few months I've been putting together my talk for the year, based on a blog post that is titled "HTTPS is Hard". You can read the full article on the Yell blog on which it is published. There's also an abridged version on Medium. It's been a very long time coming, and has changed over the time I've been writing it, so I thought I'd get down a few reflections on the article.
I've been off the speaking circuit for a while now. After a successful 2012 and 2013, I let my public speaking take a backseat to focus on my new role at Yell. I'm really happy to have got to a point in this role where I can begin to talk at the work that I'm doing here, and there's a lot that I'm really proud of.
I was lucky enough to be asked to speak at Remy Sharp's Side View conference in Brighton this weekend, a part of the full frontal conference event. I tried to give an overview of the state of the web on TVs and how our current attitude to responsive web design works, or rather doesn't work, on big screens. Here's the slides and abstract.
I gave this talk at Berkshire Digital's Pecha Kucha night. I talked about automating development processes to improve the speed at which we can iterate. The full transcript is below
It feels like months and months since I wrote a meaningful post on here. I’d love to say it’s just that I’m too busy, but it’s really that I’ve not prioritised this over all the other things that are going on. I’ve got into speaking at events, and I’m loving that, so quite a lot of my time goes on researching and writing talks. The rest of the time usually reserved for writing has gone into coding for an internal project. This gives me loads of time to put into practice all the stuff I’m talking about, to really try it out, but some of that time could be better spent writing it up for you to read about, rather than just hear about it.