v3.03 and The Business
Posted on by Steve Workman About 2 min reading time
First things first... USE v3.03
Fixed: Minor security bug when uploading errors Minor fix in view mini-profile Finally fixed hidden email addresses Default avatar now correct type Maintenance mode page now uses the site's clubname Account Activation fixed Comment in showpicture is now back in the centre Commitactivation email link fixed Registration layout and error message
Added: New Default avatar Match Reports now link to player's profiles Deny button in account activation Admin-only opt-out of FH to user profile Ability to change a player's nickname Alternate profile picture upload Admin Activate account without email confirmation Add user for Admins
Now, that's a serious amount of bugfixes, seriously, there are loads in there. It's mostly come from the fact that since I am now a business (Steel Software UK now has a bank account!) and have 4 clients under my belt with loads more interested I'm now finding the little things, the things which just make life easier for everyone. Things like forcing account activation, changing usernames if you misspell, just more things that before I'd go in to the database for can now be done through the UI. This is probably going to be the last bugfix release before 3.1 which won't contain a whole lot more considering admin add user was scheduled for then.
So, the business: http://mensrugby.shef.uni-sport.org or www.menofsheffield.com My first clients. It's been a good experience, steep learning curve really. The annoying thing was that most of the bugs were caused by me working at 2am with v3.01 code. Very silly things that were fixed in SUHC3, but not in USE-Full. So, I've gotta try to get some sort of CVS working in dreamweaver. It's quite hard actually, considering my desktop pc here doesn't like doing FTP with the current router (the mac is fine tho, both on wireless, one next to the other, very odd) so I can't use the demo sites to host the version control. So, a CVS will get me started. I'm noting everything I do down, it's just taking the time to make sure all sites are at the same level.
Tomorrow, meeting with Squash, meeting with Rowing the next day (http://rowing.shef.uni-sport.org) then versioning, as long as I don't get any more clients yet. Also, now things are pulling together and I actually have some sites, therefore, the whole shef.uni-sport.org web page needs some sprucing up, probably with a choice selection of news tidbits from the network sites and the uni logo somewhere. I've also got a lovely fashion design student (friend of a friend) who has said she'll do a logo for Steel Software (that site needs re-doing).
Anyway, its well past my bedtime Steve
Currently Listening To: The Dears - Gang of Losers Currently Watching: Futurama Currently Eating: Cheese on toast with Henderson's Relish - best hangover cure ever, FACT! Currently Reading: Photoshop CS Classroom in a Book Company Profits To Date: £35