Want your company to develop for iPhones? Get in the Yellow Pages!
Posted on by Steve Workman About 1 min reading time
Have you tried registering for the iPhone developer programme? I have. Today I registered my company for the scheme and was told there would be a verification process and it would take about a week. I called Apple to see what this process was. Your company goes through the following:
- Your e-mail address is checked against the company name
- Your e-mail address is checked against the web address you gave
- Your website is checked to make sure you exist
- Apple then check you are in the Yellow Pages
What! Check that I'm in the Yellow Pages!
I understand the need to check that the company actually exists but how many internet companies are registered to a physical address and listed in the Yellow Pages? Most "companies" will be a small-time operation and not actually registered. If you fail the "Yell check", you have to provide a certificate of incorporation. How many internet companies have that?
All that said, Apple have done well to make the app store a place for professionally-created programs. They've taken it onto themselves to test and approve all apps which is a significant overhead, but the store is better for it.